Observations placeholder
Out of body chance to know herself
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Out of the Body Experiences – Celia Green
In my early twenties I used to go to morning service at a methodist church on a sunday
Several times in the middle of the hymn I felt that I was standing apart and looking at my own profile. Once I was ashamed and horrified, for I was actually admiring myself! It was in a dispassionate sort of way, just as I might have admired a nicely dressed girl in another pew.
I could never understand this, as I used to be very diffident and thought my looks and abilities were mediocre.
[or did she?]The source of the experience
Ordinary personConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Enacting ritual and ceremonyKnow yourself
Suppressing memory
Suppression of learning