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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

Nerval, Gerard de - Horus



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience


Le dieu Kneph en tremblant ébranlait l'univers:
Isis, la mère, alors se leva sur sa couche,
Fit un geste de haine à son époux farouche
Et l'ardeur d'autrefois brilla dans ses yeux verts.

“Le voyez-vous, dit-elle, il meurt, ce vieux pervers,
Tous les frimas du monde ont passé par sa bouche,
Attachez son pied tors, éteignez son œil louche,
C'est le dieu des volcans et le roi des hivers!

L'aigle a déjà passé, l'esprit nouveau m'appelle,
J'ai revêtu pour lui la robe de Cybèle...
C'est l'enfant bien-aimé d'Hermès et d'Osiris!”

La déesse avait fui sur sa conque dorée,
La mer nous renvoyait son image adorée,
Et les cieux rayonnaient sous l'écharpe d'Iris.


The Kneph god trembling shook the world:
Isis, the mother, then got up on his couch
Made a gesture of hate to her fierce husband
And old ardour shone in her green eyes.

"Do you see", she said, "he dies, that old perverted one
All the frosts of the world have passed through his mouth,
Attach his twisted foot, turn off his damaged eye,
He is the god of volcanoes and the king of winters!

The eagle has already passed, the new spirit calls me,
I reclothe myself for him in the robe of Cybele ...
It is the beloved child of Hermes and Osiris "

The goddess had fled on her golden conch
The sea sent back to us her adored image,
And the heavens glowed under the scarf of Iris.

The source of the experience

Nerval, Gerard de

Concepts, symbols and science items


Shape shifting

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


