Observations placeholder
My mind is falling down through the pillow
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Post 61
I'm 20 years old and i started having severe sleep paralysis last summer, sometimes up to four times a night. Lately, i have also been experiencing hypnagogic hallucinations in which i feel that my mind is falling down through the pillow, and i will see bright lights, hear whispers or ringing and sometimes have strange tactile feelings like as if my legs were lying on a puddle or on grass.
Whenever i have a particularly frightening experience, i find the only thing that calms me is going on sites like these and reading everyone's comments and realizing I'm not alone. I sometimes even get a bit emotional reading the comments.
I think that for those of us who will be experiencing these hallucinations and sleep paralysis for the rest of our lives, we have to always remember that these episodes are never going to harm us, and should try and see the bright side of it all by just realizing these episodes are just our minds expressing their creativity, resulting in some incredible experiences that most people will never feel, even if a lot of the time they scare us. I feel like I'm learning a lot about myself and how my mind works.
We are not crazy. We are just sleepy people with seriously creative minds! Much love to everyone.