Observations placeholder
Mme. Lenormand – Issues a death prayer
Type of Spiritual Experience
This was indeed a prophecy, but it was also a death prayer and a self fulfilling prophecy, as Greenhouse said
“The young man who died at twenty-six might quite literally have "scared himself to death." In spite of the counter-suggestion instilled in him by the psychologist, deep down he may have been afraid he would die, anyway. The fear of death may sometimes be stronger than the will to Iive.”
Which means Mme. Lenormand was a sorcerer, an evil witch
A description of the experience
Premonitions: A leap in to the future – Herbert Greenhouse [1971]
"You will lose your father in a year to this very day. You will soon be a soldier but not for long. You will marry young, have two children, and die at twenty-six.”
Only seven years to live! The young Frenchman, nineteen years old, looked at the psychic anxiously, but the face of Mme. Lenormand, Necromancer, was impassive. She knew the future like a book. The present date was December 26th , 1879. He would live until 1886 and no longer.
The young man's father died on December 27, 1880. As the psychic had predicted, the boy enlisted in the army but was out in seven months. Still very young, he met a girl and was married. When his twenty-sixth birthday was approaching-February 4, 1886-he was the father of two children. Was there no way to avert his own death?
The young man consulted a well-known psychologist, Dr. Liebeault, on January 7, 1886. Was it true, he asked the doctor, that he had only one month to live? What could he do to change his fate? The doctor laughed. This was pure superstition. The lad was young, vigorous, healthy. He had a long life ahead. He must push this fear out of his mind.
The doctor hypnotized the young man and gave him the suggestion that he would live not for a few more days but for forty-seven years. The suggestion seemed to work. His birthday, February 4, came and went, and he was still alive.
The psychic had been wrong. He would live for at least forty-seven years longer. The doctor had said so.
But on September 30th , 1886, the young man, still twenty-six years old, died suddenly of peritonitis. In spite of every precaution, he was called to his appointment in Samarra.