Observations placeholder
Misdiagnosed seizures in elderly
Type of Spiritual Experience
The post comes from a website that helps people with odd problems this post was on the section http://www.wisegeek.org/what-are-hypnagogic-hallucinations.htm
This may have been due to the dementia but it could also have been due to the medication they were given for the dementia
A description of the experience
Post 7
I am particularly interested in knowing if anyone else has seen these hallucinations in relation to Alzheimer's disease.
My friend kept telling us (at a Wives Support Group) that her husband was having "spells". I said they sounded like seizures. She replied that the several doctors she had described these "spells" to had said "no, not seizures."
Finally a G.P. with a Geriatric Clinic in our community listened more carefully to what my friend described and came up with "hypnagogic hallucinations."
It is a relief for my friend to have a name for what is happening, and to hope that these seizures will not progress on to full epileptic seizures. Thanks for the information. Anyone else who has such a story related to A.D. please respond