Observations placeholder
Heat and influenza
Type of Spiritual Experience
I came across two medical publications that described how heat had been effective in treating flu'.
Viruses do not like heat.
A description of the experience
From the Free Medical Internet dictionary - this is annextract, the full text is available via the link
Hydrotherapy - A bath to induce a fever will speed recovery from the flu by creating an environment in the body where the flu virus cannot survive. The patient should take a bath as hot as he/she can tolerate and remain in the bath for 20-30 minutes. While in the bath, the patient drinks a cup of yarrow or elderflower tea to induce sweating. During the bath, a cold cloth is held on the forehead or at the nape of the neck to keep the temperature down in the brain. The patient is assisted when getting out of the bath (he/she may feel weak or dizzy) and then gets into bed and covers up with layers of blankets to induce more sweating.
Asiatic flu in 1957; sauna baths as prophylactic measure].
HARTMANN A. Hippokrates. 1958 Mar 15;29(5):153-4. German. PMID: 13538426