Observations placeholder
Hagman, Larry – Conquering diabetes
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Hello Darlin': Tall (and Absolutely True) Tales About My Life – Larry Hagman
My life has been full of good omens. I've been blessed with a knack for finding the right person or getting a lucky break. Take my diabetes. Two of my neighbors in Ojai, Rick and Virginia Loy, have two boys who are juvenile diabetics. She's investigated probably every treatment known to medicine to try to help her children. One of the doctors who's been of significant help to them is Diana Schwartzbien. I went to her, and through her method of a low carbohydrate diet and exercise I went from taking 26 units of insulin in the morning and 16 at night to being totally insulin free. Like with everything else, including AA, it works only if you work at it.
The source of the experience
Hagman, LarryConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
DiabetesDiabetes mellitus
Eating for healthExercising and keeping fit