Observations placeholder
Had scratches and cuts from where she had been trying to get the creature/hand off
Type of Spiritual Experience
Dream melting into an hallucination
A description of the experience
Post 37
I once woke up and there were colorful ribbons and dragons floating around the room. I was definitely awake because I was screaming and my mum came in asking what was happening. I shouted at her to wake me up and told her to bring me some Panadol, she did and that seemed to make the visions disappear.
I also just recently woke up while being violently grabbed and attacked by what felt like a hand under the covers, I was screaming and desperately trying to get it off me. I threw myself to the ground, but it was still grabbing at me and I ran into my mums room. I had scratches and cuts on me from where I had been trying to get the creature/hand off of me and I had torn my pyjamas.
My mum said she had heard thumping and struggling and she had heard me fall out of bed, but not heard me scream. I was convinced that it had been real and was still in my room. I think these could be hallucinations.