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Observations placeholder

Gardner, Jeanne - Who would want to kill Jack Kennedy



Type of Spiritual Experience


There are no interviews verifying any of these statements, but they are recorded here exactly as they are in the book.

A description of the experience

A Grain of Mustard – by Jeanne Gardner as told to Beatrice Moore

I had spoken briefly to Jack Kennedy when he was still a Senator and came to Charleston for a political get-together. I had told him then that the Russians were smuggling arms into Cuba and that October 19 would mark a week to remember.

He listened politely, never indicating whether he thought I was a crackpot or a prophet. And, although the Cuban situation became public knowledge some time later, I couldn't believe that fact Kennedy, now the President of the United States, would remember me or the incident. One thing I felt strongly: I should call the President. And I did, using a number he had given me when he was in Charleston.

 When the call was put through to his office I explained who I was and, in moments, the President was on the phone. He asked me to come to the White House about five o'clock and to plan to eat with him.

Later as we sat together, chatting and nibbling on our chicken, I was struck with the terrible realization that he was going to be killed. A part of me wanted to warn him, but an even stronger part of me refused to speak.

About six o'clock he excused himself to take a phone call, and he returned to tell me that the Russians had stopped a troop convoy in Germany and that he had to consult with some of his advisers.

That day, November 5, 1963, was the last time I spoke to President Kennedy. However, the next morning after turning over my terrible thoughts about his impending assassination, I went to the office of Robert Kennedy. It seemed to me that Bobby might be able to help protect his brother. I knew that the President would be killed in a motorcade, but I couldn't determine where. I was greeted in Bob Kennedy's office by his secretary Angela Novello and I told her what I knew.

 I asked whether I could see Robert Kennedy. Miss Novello suggested that I talk with Richard Kidwell, his aide at the Justice Department, and she made an appointment for me.

Mr. Kidwell was gracious and sat quietly as I told him that our President would be assassinated while in a motorcade. I told him I had heard the name Oswald, but that the only Oswald whom I had ever heard of was Oswald the Bunny, one of the Disney creatures, and this didn't seem to fit the rest of the pieces. When I finished, Mr. Kidwell thanked me for coming, and I can remember his parting shot: “Who would want to kill Jack Kennedy?"

The source of the experience

Gardner, Jeanne

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

