Observations placeholder
Ernesto Bozzano, Professor - The parapsychological manifestations of animals – 21 Violet and Sidney Montgomery, Caffrey’s son and a horse see the apparition of a ghostly woman
Type of Spiritual Experience
NOTES from Professor Ernesto Bozzano - The parapsychological manifestations of animals
Here, the apparition was seen by three people simultaneously and by a horse that had suddenly stopped, shaking and frightened, to the extent of becoming insensitive to the action of the coachman. I do not think it is necessary to insist again that in circumstances similar to those I have successively outlined, it would be absurd to raise doubts again about the assumption that animals actually see the same visions that are perceived by humans.
I am aware that from a strictly scientific point of view, we do not have, in such circumstances, the "absolute proof" necessary to support the hypothesis in question. I do not ignore it at all. But I would point out that ….the observed ghost had already been seen by several people in the same locality while the three people in the vehicle were unaware of it, which completely excludes the hypothesis of "expectant attention". All that remains is to recognize the nature, in a certain objective way, of the phantom, which belongs to the class of hauntings.
A description of the experience
Professor Ernesto Bozzano - The parapsychological manifestations of animals - 130 cases proving animal mediumistic abilities
Case 54. - (Collective visual.) - An excerpt from Phantasms of Living, vol. II, p. 197.
March 2, 1884,
In 1875, my sister and I were then thirteen years old, we were driving home one summer day, around four in the afternoon, when all of a sudden we saw a woman's shape floating over a hedge and slipping silently across the road. This shape was white, oblique and about ten feet off the ground.
The horse had suddenly stopped and was so terrified that we no longer had any influence on it. I exclaimed, addressing my sister, "Do you see that?" She replied that she saw it and asked the same question of Caffrey's son who was in the car.
This shape crossed the hedge, crossed the road and passed over a field, then we lost sight of it entirely beyond a plantation. I think we watched it for two minutes. It never touched the ground, but always floated a short distance above the ground.
When we arrived home, we told our mother what we had seen. We were sure that it was neither a mistake, nor an illusion of our senses, nor an owl, nor anything of that nature.
I have never seen anything like it, I have never had any other vision either before or after. All three of us were healthy, the weather was fine and no one had suggested to us the idea of an apparition before that one happened.
Later, we learned that it was assumed that this road was haunted, several inhabitants of the region had seen an apparition there.
Violet and Sidney Montgomery.