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Ernesto Bozzano, Professor - The parapsychological manifestations of animals – 10 Mrs Joy Snell’s dog Prince and the lost girl
Type of Spiritual Experience
NOTES Professor Ernesto Bozzano - The parapsychological manifestations of animals - 130 cases proving animal mediumistic abilities
Mrs. Joy Snell's story is interesting from the point of view of animal psychology, since it contains a splendid example of the intelligence and generous feelings that some dogs of certain breed possess. As Mrs. Snell rightly points out, it does not seem possible to explain the fact that the discovery of the lost girl was due to chance, since the dog had left his kennel on purpose, against all his habits, to seek her; as if he had acted under the influence of an external impulse which, in this case, could only be of a supernormal origin.
A description of the experience
Professor Ernesto Bozzano - The parapsychological manifestations of animals - 130 cases proving animal mediumistic abilities
published in the Light (1918, page 189), by Mrs Joy Snell, the well-known sensitive-clairvoyant subject, the author of the book: The Ministry of Angels, …. she was a qualified nurse.:
"Prince" was a Russian wolf dog. Although he has not been among the living for several years, I continue to talk about him in the present tense, because, for me, he is still alive. …..
When "Prince" was still of this world, his main occupation was to accompany his mistress on her walks or car rides. One summer afternoon, I came home with the dog after a long excursion. Two hours later, "Andy", the stable boy, came to warn me that "Prince's" kennel was empty and that the dog was nowhere to be found. For "Prince", it was not consistent with his regular habits to go missing. Andy was therefore concerned and advised to go immediately to look for the dog. However, we then saw "Prince" who, jumping over the gate, headed towards us, wagging his tail.
After expressing his satisfaction at not being punished, he gently grabbed me by the skirt, dragging me to the door. When he got there, he stood up on his hind legs, and, supporting the front legs at the door, he began to look at me barking. As he had repeated the same scene several times, I understood that the dog wanted to be followed somewhere.
The stable boy decided to grant his wish. So he opened the door and called "Prince", but the dog took me again by the skirt, making me understand that he wanted me to come too. It was nine o'clock in the evening. The three of us started walking.
"Prince" followed the road for a while, after which he entered the fields still running ahead of us. He would stop after about 50 yards to wait for us. That is how he guided our journey for more than two miles.
We finally arrived at a ditch surrounded by a hedge, in an opening of which there was a pile of ferns. There, the dog stopped, waiting for us to come and at the same time looking over his shoulders, with a strange expression of tenderness. He had obviously reached the goal, where something mysterious must have been that he wanted to show us.
However, I could not explain to myself why he had not announced, barking, our arrival. But immediately on the spot, I understood the reason for his silence. A three-year-old girl was lying on the ferns, deeply asleep! If he had barked, he would have scared her and woken her up.
Now, here is how they managed to explain the strange fact of a little girl abandoned under a hedge. She had been playing all day in the meadow with a very large group of other children, while the farmers were mowing the grass. She then fell asleep deeply on this pile of ferns and the farmers came back on their carts to the farm without realizing that one was missing from this swarm of children. I brought the little girl back to her parents, who thanked me by crying and blessing me. This magnificent gesture of "Prince" made him famous throughout the county.