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Egyptian Book of the Dead - Spell 068
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead – translated by R O Faulkner
Spell 68 – spell for going out into the day
The doors of the sky are opened for me, the doors of the earth are opened for me, the door bolts of Geb are opened for me, the shutters of the sky windows are thrown open for me.
It is he who guarded me who releases me, who binds his hand on me and thrusts his hand on to me on earth, the mouth of the Pelican is opened for me, the mouth of the Pelican is thrown open for me, the mouth of the Pelican is given to me, and I go out into the day to the place where I desire to be.
May I have power in my heart, may I have power in my heart,
may I have power in my arms,
may I have power in my legs,
may I have power in my mouth,
may I have power in all my members,
may I have power over invocation offerings,
may I have power over water,
may I have power over air,
may I have power over the waters,
may I have power over riparian lands,
may I have power over the men who would harm me,
may I have power over the women who would harm me in the realm of the dead,
may I have power over those who would give orders to harm me upon earth.