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Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mr R. H. Manns, an airman, of Bristol has an OBE
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections
Case No. 341 – Mr R. H. Manns, an airman, of Bristol, sent this (in litt., Oct. 7,1960) :
I was undergoing an operation during which I appeared to enter a most beautiful garden of flowers ... I met a man and asked him a question, to which he replied, 'My son, they all ask that question when they come here !'
The next thing I remember was awakening in bed with two Army convalescents watching over me. They said they had administered oxygen as they thought I was going to die.
My story might have ended there, for I have attributed my experience to a dream had it not been for the sequel.
A year later I was posted to a new squadron. One night the conversation between a fellow airman and myself turned to spiritual matters and I started to tell him this story. He let me continue to the point where I met the man in the garden and then stopped me and finished the story for me. His experience had been exactly the same as mine. . .. As with me, he had been most morose on regaining consciousness.
I write not only because I am convinced of the existence of this spiritual realm, but in the belief that, if others can do so as well, the thought of approaching death may not be so frightening to the dying and less saddening to the loved-ones they are leaving.