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Dr Franz Morell – The Mora Concept - The high prevalence of food allergy
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Dr Franz Morell – The Mora Concept
The number of patients with a food allergy is astonishingly high; 84% of all the patients visiting my surgery to be tested.
60% of those are allergic to milk. In about 30% of all allergy cases patients are allergic to milk only.
The remaining patients are at least allergic to one more food; very often a great number of allergens are found.
The persistent avoidance of the identified foods, for some time, combined with the MORA allergy therapy leads in 60% of the cases to a disappearance of the allergy and the disturbances caused to other organs.
40% of the cases just mentioned need only one MORA allergy test and treatment; 60% need several treatments.
I stated that in 60% of all allergy cases the allergies and their consequences disappeared. 40% remain. What happens to them?
35% improve by the therapy, but continue to need new allergy tests. These are the patients who are not in a position to change their diet completely, often because of difficult living conditions. With some of these patients the allergies change from one food to another and with the other group it is not possible to find the basic allergen. Only secondary allergens were found.
The remaining 5% are those who could not be helped by the allergy treatment. In this group are patients with congenital allergies, i.e. the allergies are genetic. They cannot be influenced by MORA.