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Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - The Night Scene
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Samuel Taylor Coleridge – The Complete Poems
From The Night Scene
Sandoval [alone]
Oh Henry! Always strivest thou to be great
By thine own act – yet art thou never great
But by the inspiration of great passion.
The whirl blast comes, the desert sands rise up
And shape themselves; from earth to heaven they stand,
As though they were the pillars of a temple,
Built by Omnipotence in its own honour!
But the blast pauses, and their shaping spirit
Is fled; the mighty columns were but sand
And lazy snakes trail o'er the level ruins
Earl Henry
Oh! there is joy above the name of pleasure,
Deep self possession, an intense repose.
No other than as eastern sages paint
The God, who floats upon a lotus leaf
Dreams for a thousand ages; then awaking,
Creates a world, and smiling at the bubble
Relapses into bliss