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Cirlot on nets
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
A Dictionary of Symbols – J E Cirlot
The net is the extreme form of expression of the symbolic bunch of ribbons, the bow and the bond, and hence it is closely bound up with the symbolisms of entanglement and devouring. It is the weapon of the Uranian gods, such as Varuna and of those who fish in the waters of the unconscious. Ea, god of water and wisdom, did not fight the primordial monsters face to face but ensnared them by craft.
The weapon of Marduk in his combat with Tiamet was the net, a symbol of magical authority.
The connection between the net and heaven is explained in the following passage taken from the Tao Teh Ching 'the net of heaven is wide meshed but lets nothing through'.
The symbolism here strikingly illustrates the idea that it is not possible for the individual, by his own efforts , to escape........