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Bruno, Giordano – Cause, principle and unity - Al principi di l'universo
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Giordano Bruno – from Cause, principle and unity
from Giordano the Nolan to the Principles of the Universe
That the tenebrous Earth which, from the beginning, has cleaved to the wavy expanse of the waters, may leave its seat and fly towards the heavenly orbs, I beg you, O Sun. And you, wandering stars, behold me as I proceed towards the twofold heaven, since it is you who have opened this path to me.
May your movements open before me, as I rush through the spaces, the doors of sleep: that which miserly time has kept long hidden, may it be allowed me to draw into the Light out of the dense gloom. What prevents you, O suffering spirit, from hastening to give birth to your truth, though you bequeath it to an unworthy age!
Though the flow of shadows submerges the Earth, you, my Olympus, make shine your peak in the clear heavens.