Observations placeholder
Braid, James – Curing the effects of stroke using hypnotherapy
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Neurypnology ; or the Rationale of Nervous Sleep, considered in Relation with Animal Magnetism. By James Braid, M.R.C.S., &c. 1843
"a gentleman, set. 60, had a paralytic stroke two years and a half before consulting me, which deprived him entirely of the use of the right arm, and enfeebled the right side and leg. When he called on me, he walked very feebly, could scarcely close the fingers and thumb, and could not extend them fully. He could, with great difficulty, raise the hand as high as the pit of the stomach; the pupil of the right eye was considerably larger than the left, and not quite circular; speech very imperfect. After being hypnotized for five minutes he was able to open and close the hand freely, and to raise the hand above the head, and pass it to the back of the head, and he could also walk and speak much better. Pulse regular; before the operation, it was very irregular."
Seven weeks after, Mr. Braid reports that the improvement was permanent.
"He could speak and walk much better, could raise the arm and move the fingers and hand freely,, could pass the hand above and over the head, and take off his hat with it. The right pupil was also quite circular now, and nearly the same size as the other" ( p. 215).