Observations placeholder
Blithe spirit - The Place of suicides
Type of Spiritual Experience
In my late teens and early twenties I went out with a man who was charming, erudite, charismatic, good looking, educated and well read. He was actually very kind to me, he couldn't have been kinder, but he was also, as I found out in due course, a potential alcoholic.
Even after a short time, I knew that there was something of the 'dark side' about him. His favourite author was Mervyn Peake. He drank very heavily whilst he was with me and once I had left, he became an alcoholic. His mother went insane and was committed. His father shot himself by putting a shotgun in his mouth. One of his sisters became anorexic [she was a model] and a drug addict [heroin].
This man eventually married the daughter of some friends of my parents and I almost said something to her when they got engaged, but then thought better of it, because firstly it was not my place to interfere and secondly, I reasoned, he may be totally different with her – he may change completely and come to the light, as it were. About 10 years later he shot his pregnant mistress and seriously wounded her little boy by her first marriage. Some people are just from the dark side.
But perhaps the most interesting aspect of our relationship was that he showed me hell! For the first time in my admittedly short life I knew what hell was and I drew it. He did not give me hell, he was not cruel to me or even unfaithful he just was a sort of unknowing guide – or maybe he was a knowing guide, who knows.
I still have electronic copies of the pictures I did in those days of what I 'saw'. They are reproduced here. I was not involved in the spiritual path at all at this stage and had absolutely no interest in drugs or visions or religion – in fact I am afraid to say I loathed religion for its hypocrisy. But I still got visions, which surfaced as pictures, all done in black and white because that is how I perceived these 'places' .
And the place that came to me the strongest was of the place of suicides. All I seemed to be able to see was hundreds of people with clocks around their necks some stopped some going very slowly according to their level of acceptance and learning and the time they should have spent on earth. In effect, they still had to 'live out' their allotted span but they lived it – if this is the right word – here in this grey empty world. I had never contemplated suicide, but being with this man had brought me to the edge of the abyss of despair and I saw into it.
Dr Raymond Moody – Life after life
Others who experienced this unpleasant limbo state have remarked that they had the feeling they would be there for a long time. This was their penalty for 'breaking the rules' by trying to release themselves prematurely from what was, in effect, an 'assignment' – to fulfil a certain purpose in life
All life is sacred.
Do not murder your fellow man by your own suicide – the penalties here are more fearsome than you can ever conceive
Do not commit suicide.