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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

Black Sabbath – The poltergeists, ghosts and apports of Kilworth house



Type of Spiritual Experience

Environmental influence

Number of hallucinations: 2


A description of the experience

Tony Iommi – Iron Man

Susan didn’t want to live in my house in Stafford, so we decided to move to a place between London and Birmingham. We were looking at houses to buy, but couldn’t find anything we liked. One day her dad said: 'Why don’t you come and live here? This house is far too big for us.'

Sue went: 'That’s an idea.'

And so we did. We had a major part of this massive, 200-room house. My father-in-law built a partition between their living quarters and ours and we lived there for quite a few years.

Just like in Carlisle, we weren’t the only ones there. I saw an apparition going up the stairs one night. It wasn’t like a three-dimensional person, it was more like a figure. And I had more weird things happening there. We had these big, old-fashioned keys in the doors to all the bedrooms. I was in the lounge one night and I had my briefcase open. I closed it and I went upstairs to bed. I heard this big bang and ran downstairs again.

One of the big paintings had fallen off the wall. I walked into the lounge and my briefcase was open. And I went to open the door and the keys had gone. All of them. Never found them again. I talked about this to my in-laws and they said:

 'Yeah, there is a ghost here. But he’s a friendly ghost.'

Things like that make you really think. A poltergeist, for a start, can be horrible, but . . . they can move an object!

I’ve always been able to see things that most other people can’t. It’s hard to talk about it, because people think, right, he's had too many drugs. But I actually did see things, like the Carlisle ghost. Saw him as clear as day.

The source of the experience

Black Sabbath

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

