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Bayard Taylor - Poems of the Orient – A Pledge To Hafiz
Type of Spiritual Experience
Hafiz is on the site
A description of the experience
Brim the bowls with Shiraz wine !
Roses round your temples twine ;
Brim the bowls with Shiraz wine —
Hafiz pledge we, Bard divine !I
With the summer warmth that glows
In the wine and on the rose,
Blushing, fervid, ruby-bright.
We shall pledge his name aright.
Hafiz, in whose measures move
Youth and Beauty, Song and Love — -
In his veins the nimble flood
Was of wine, and not of blood.
All the songs he sang or thought
In his brain were never wrought.
But like rose leaves fell apart
From that bursting rose, his heart.
Youth is morning's transient ray ;
Love consumes itself away ;
Time destroys what Beauty gives ;
But in Song the Poet lives.
While we pledge him — thus — and thus -
He is present here in us ;
Tis his voice that cries, not mine :
Brim the bowls with Shiraz wine !