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Observations placeholder

Balzac, Honoré de - Seraphita - 04 An allegory of annihilation



Type of Spiritual Experience


An allegory of what annihilation means.  Minna - the soul must give up her existence in the service of God and by dong this will unite with her Higher spirit

A description of the experience

SERAPHITA  By Honore De Balzac  Translated by Katharine Prescott Wormeley

“Minna, can we love two beings at once? Would our beloved be indeed our beloved if he did not fill our hearts? Must he not be the first, the last, the only one? She who is all love, must she not leave the world for her beloved? Human ties are but a memory, she has no ties except to him! Her soul is hers no longer; it is his. If she keeps within her soul anything that is not his, does she love? No, she loves not. To love feebly, is that to love at all? The voice of her beloved makes her joyful; it flows through her veins in a crimson tide more glowing far than blood; his glance is the light that penetrates her; her being melts into his being. He is warm to her soul. He is the light that lightens; near to him there is neither cold nor darkness. He is never absent, he is always with us; we think in him, to him, by him! Minna, that is how I love him.”

“Love whom?” said Minna, tortured with sudden jealousy.

“God,” replied Seraphitus, his voice glowing in their souls like fires of liberty from peak to peak upon the mountains,—“God, who does not betray us! God, who will never abandon us! who crowns our wishes; who satisfies His creatures with joy—joy unalloyed and infinite! God, who never wearies but ever smiles! God, who pours into the soul fresh treasures day by day; who purifies and leaves no bitterness; who is all harmony, all flame! God, who has placed Himself within our hearts to blossom there; who hearkens to our prayers; who does not stand aloof when we are His, but gives His presence absolutely! He who revives us, magnifies us, and multiplies us in Himself; God!

Minna, I love thee because thou mayst be His! I love thee because if thou come to Him thou wilt be mine.”

The source of the experience

Balzac, Honoré de

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

