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Type of Spiritual Experience
The eHealthme site keeps figures separately under the names even though it is the same drug as Rebif
A description of the experience
Interferon beta 1a (also interferon beta 1-alpha) is a cytokine in the interferon family used to treat multiple sclerosis (MS). It is produced by mammalian cells, while interferon beta 1b is produced in modified E. coli. Some claims have been made that Interferons produce about an 18–38% reduction in the rate of MS relapses.
The assertion that interferon beta in either form can slow the advance of disability in multiple sclerosis is still unproven. Interferons are not a cure for MS (there is no cure); the claim is that interferons may slow the progress of the disease if started early and continued for the duration of the disease. Interferon beta 1a is sold under the trade names Avonex and Rebif
On Jan, 15, 2017 157,949 people reported to have side effects when taking Avonex. Among them, 414 people (0.26%) have Hallucination
On Dec, 31, 2016 157,949 people reported to have side effects when taking Avonex. Among them, 3,975 people (2.52%) have Death
The source of the experience
eHealthmeConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
AntiviralsMultiple sclerosis treatments
Viral infection
Viral infection - Interferon drugs