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Observations placeholder

Aubert, Georges – 03 Third Epoch – 08 The grand séance on February 12, 1905



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

I finally get to the grand séance on February 12, 1905.

Given on the occasion of Allan Kardec's centenary in the Théâtre de l'Athénée Saint-Germain, it consisted of a lecture by M. G. Delanne on the life of our great precursor, then a musical part of which I had to bear all the costs.

I do not want to dwell personally on this séance, which is memorable for me; just know that my joy at its success was very great.

Here is an assessment published by the Rappel the next day, February 14, 1905.

You will notice a great reserve that was quite understandable, especially since it was even before any experimentation at the Psychological Institute that I had given this gift.

Mr. Delanne, in introducing me, could therefore not rely on any authority to explain the phenomenon and prove its accuracy.

Article of the Rappel.  Allan Kardec's centenary.

The French Society for the Study of Psychic Phenomena held yesterday afternoon, in the theatre hall of the Athénée Saint-Germain, the commemorative celebration of the centenary of Allan Kardec, the founder of spiritual philosophy.

On the stage had taken place:

Mr. G. Delanne, President, General Fix Calmels, L. de Faget, Dr. Chazarain, Vice-Presidents; Mr. Boyer, Secretary General; Mr. Perret, Deputy Secretary; Mr. Dubray, Treasurer; Mrs. Laffineur, Assistant Treasurer; Mrs. Poulain, Borgers, Mr. G. Daveau, Lamour, Boveri, Gorin, members of the Board of Directors; Mr. Chartier, Editor of the Psychic Tribune, corporate organ, etc., etc.

It was in front of an absolutely packed room that the President of the Society, Mr. G. Delanne, spoke. In a very clear, well-ordered and warm conference he spoke of the gratitude that all spiritualists must have for Allan Kardec, who, at the cost of terrible struggles, created the famous doctrine that recruits so many followers every day. The origins were painful. Slandered by scientists, anathematized by the Church, Allan Kardec nevertheless based his theories on absolutely scientific bases: observation and experiment. He neglected metaphysical essays and only used facts. He was a positive spirit who, from the age of 22, was a doctor of medicine and fluent in four languages.

From the experimental, scientific and philosophical point of view, the impact of Allan Kardec's work was enormous.

The official findings made by modern science of telepathy phenomena and body radioactivity, the discovery of X-rays are an implicit recognition of the truth of several statements by Allan Kardec. Today, the number of spiritualist societies throughout the world is incalculable. There are no less than 150 journals devoted to the study of the afterlife; and scholars such as Lombroso in Italy and Charles Richet in France, recognize the authenticity of certain demonstrations - such as the message of spirits through a medium or the appearance of ghosts.

Mr. G. Delanne's lecture was, as we can guess, very well received.

Then, Mr. Aubert, a musician medium, allowed us to attend a very curious séance of musical spiritism. Mr. Aubert - - has never learned music; reliable witnesses who have lived in his privacy, say so. However, he is able to improvise delicious melodies, clever sonatas and brilliant symphonies on the piano.

How? You might ask me. It is, they say, because the spirit of the great dead musicians inspires him at times. Depending on whether these great musicians were called Mendelssohn, Chopin, Wagner, Beethoven, Mozart and even Métra, a superior force invaded Mr. Aubert and it was in a state of complete unconsciousness that he played at the piano unpublished melodies, some very beautiful and which were entirely in the manner of these composers.

I heard Mr. Aubert. He improvised in this way for an hour of clockwork, alternately charming us, stirring us up, and without showing too much fatigue. That, I declare, is wonderful. And if Mr. Aubert is not inspired by the spirits, he is certainly inspired by a very great talent. - CH. A.

Here is my entire life as a medium exposed to the experiments at the General Psychological Institute.


The source of the experience

Aubert, Georges

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


