Observations placeholder
Aubert, Georges – 03 Third Epoch – 03 Rousing the ire of a tempestuous musical spirit
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
One day, I was at the piano playing under the influence of Beethoven. In the living room were my father, next to me, and further on, on a sofa, my mother and Miss D...... the writing medium. The song was developing beautifully, when my father asked my mother and Miss D..... to be quiet. Distracted, they were in fact concentrating on anything other than what they heard.
After a few moments, as they continued to speak without taking into account the observation that had been made to them, I heard the notes and chords becoming more and more chromatic, squeezing each other in a way and suddenly, suddenly, with incredible violence, my hands were removed from the keyboard.
- Immediately, the piano cover closed abruptly, while on the chimney, two bronze candelabra were animated by very strong oscillations.
My father, frightened, instinctively covered his face with his arms.
We were very excited about what had just happened, and I assure you that my mother and Miss D...... were silent for an hour.
It was indeed the affirmation of an anger of the spirit and a new proof that we must always engage in these experiments with the utmost seriousness.