Observations placeholder
A "witch” gets abducted by paranormal means - 1045, England
Type of Spiritual Experience
Wonders In The Sky - Unexplained Aerial Objects From Antiquity To Modern Times - and Their Impact on Human Culture, History, and Beliefs - Jacques Vallee and Chris Aubeck
This constitutes only one of hundreds of similar stories about witches carried away by paranormal means or by non-human beings, usually thought to be demonic.
Charles Fort
I think that we're fished for. It may be that we're highly esteemed by super-epicures somewhere. It makes me more cheerful when I think that we may be of some use after all. …… And I have data that, in this book, I can't take up at all—mysterious disappearances. I think we're fished for.
A description of the experience
Source: Lycosthenes, Prodigiorum ac Ostentorum Chronicon (Basel, 1557). Translation from the Latin by Stephen Batman, The Doome, warning ali men to judgment... (London, 1581).
"When Henrie the third of that name was Emperour of Rome, in England a certain southsaying Witch was caried away by the Divel, whyche being drawen after him uppon his horsse with a horrible crye, he caryed away up into the ayre, the cry of whiche old woman was heard for certaine houres almost foure miles in that Countrey."