Observations placeholder
Oliver Sacks - Zelda
Type of Spiritual Experience
After a PET scan Zelda found she had damage to her occipital and parietal lobes
A description of the experience
Oliver Sacks – Hallucinations
As we drove away from the beauty parlour, I saw what looked like a teenage boy on the front hood of our car, leaning on his arms with his feet up in the air.
He stayed there for about five minutes. Even when we turned he stayed on the hood of the car.
As we pulled into the restaurant parking lot, he ascended into the air, up against the building, and stayed there until I got out of the car…..
I see planted fields, flowering, and many forms of medieval buildings. Frequently I see modern buildings change into more historic looking ones. Every experience brings something different.
One of her new hallucinations, she said, "is very difficult to describe. It's a performance! The curtain goes up and 'performers' dance out on the stage - but no people. I see black Hebrew letters dressed in ballet dresses of white. They dance to beautiful music, but I don't know where it comes from.
They move the upper parts of the letters like arms and dance on the lower parts so gracefully. They come onstage from right to left