Observations placeholder
Wingfield, Frederick – Sees his half-brother’s ghost
Type of Spiritual Experience
Inter composer communication
A description of the experience
Death and its Mystery: After Death – Camille Flammarion
Mr. Frederic Wingfield, Belle-Isle-en-Terre, Cotes-du-Nord, who writes:
On the night of March 25, 1880, I dreamed that I saw my brother, Richard Wingfield-Baker, seated, on a chair before me. I spoke to him; he merely bowed his head in reply; then he rose and left the room.
I awakened and found that I was standing, one foot on the floor near my bed and the other on my bed, and that I was trying to speak and utter my brother's name.
The impression that he was really present was so strong, and the whole scene was so lifelike, that I left the bedroom to look for my brother in the drawing-room, where I found no one.
I then had a feeling of impending misfortune, and I made a note of this "apparition" in my daily memorandum, adding the words: "May God prevent it!" Three days afterward I received news that my brother had died that day, at half-past eight o'clock, as a result of a fall when hunting.