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Observations placeholder

Wenders, Wim and Donata – On the influence of music



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

In Conversation with Wim Wenders and Donata Wenders  by Sabine Mirlesse

SM: I know music is very important to Wim… possibly equally so for you, Donata. I was wondering if you guys have a song? In the US it’s very common, or used to be, for a couple to have a song they felt sentimental about, something related to their experience together.

DW: Our beginning song was… ‘The Miracle’

WW: Good old Leonard Cohen! An album of his called ‘The Future’ that we played over and over again when we met. The song in there that Donata is referring to is “Waiting for the Miracle”. We listened to it a few times everyday together, during the first couple of weeks. The song I really I identify with our relationship is called ‘Into My Arms’ by Nick Cave. Do you know that one?


SM: .....Do you actually see stories when you listen to music you love, Wim?

WW: Oh yeah. But not stories. I see images. Music is a huge inspiration for me. A number of my films might have started with a song. ‘Alice in the Cities’ started with a song by Chuck Berry… But it’s more like a creative source rather than indicating the story of a film.

SM: Have you ever attempted to write music yourself? Do you play?

WW: I played saxophone, eventually went to a pawn shop to exchange it for a 16mm Bolex camera. I never really played an instrument again. I had a couple of guitars, but I was never really good at it. I didn’t become a musician although I would have loved to, and I didn’t become a painter although I would have loved to, and I didn’t become a writer although I would have loved to, and I didn’t become an architect although I would have loved to…

SM: And a priest?

WW: I didn’t become a priest although I would have loved to.

The source of the experience

Wenders, Wim

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

