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Nedocromil sodium is a medication considered as mast cell stabilizer which act to prevent wheezing, shortness of breath, and other breathing problems caused by asthma. It is administered by an inhaler under the brand name Tilade (although its effects in this form are far less than those in albuterol or other well-known inhaler medications) and as an eye drop under the brand name Alocril Liquid preparations are available in the UK under the name Rapitil for use for allergic eye reactions.
Nedocromil is classified as a benzopyrone. Nedocromil prevents release of histamine and tryptase. US Production of inhaled nedocromil ceased in April 2008.
On Feb, 11, 2016: 357 people reported to have side effects when taking Tilade. Among them, 3 people (0.84%) have Hallucination.