Observations placeholder
The old clock installed on the day of the foundation in the tavern's main hall, had stopped at the same time as the owner had died
Type of Spiritual Experience
Also found in Ernesto Bozzano - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death [110 cases suggesting survival after death]
A description of the experience
Collected by Mr. Holland, correspondent for Philadelphia Press, and published by Light (1898, page 225).
Two days ago, in the city of Philadelphia, there occurred a very well documented paranormal incident which will be communicated to the "English Society of Psychic Research". In the lower part of the city there is a famous tavern, because for more than seventy years there have been gathering in its premises men well known for their talents and wealth, and sometimes ladies of illustrious families. Recently, members of the Vanderbilt family went there to savour the famous "steaks with fried potato edges", in an atmosphere that has remained unchanged since the day the Lake Erie Canal was opened...
The owner, son of the tavern's builder, died two days ago, and immediately after his death it was surprisingly noticed that the old clock installed on the day of the foundation in the tavern's main hall, had stopped at the same time as the owner had died... As I have just said, this fact will be communicated to the "English Society for Psychic Research", supported by all the necessary documentation.