Observations placeholder
Steiner, Rudolf - How to Know Higher Worlds - Good health is key to spiritual experience
Type of Spiritual Experience
Steiner elsewhere points out that it is possible to experience other worlds via ill-health, but what you learn is not always that pleasant and does not propel you along the spiritual path
A description of the experience
Rudolf Steiner – How to Know Higher Worlds
The first condition is that heed should be paid to the furtherance of bodily and spiritual health. Health does not, of course, primarily depend upon the individual; but everyone can make the effort to improve in this respect.
Healthy knowledge can come only from healthy human beings.
In esoteric training an unhealthy individual is not rejected, but it must be demanded of the pupil that he has the will to lead a healthy life. In this respect he must achieve the greatest possible independence.
The well-meaning advice of others, given mostly unsought-to anyone, is as a rule quite superfluous. Each individual must endeavour to take care of himself. In a physical respect it will be more a matter of warding off harmful influences than of anything else.