Observations placeholder
Steam room
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
William Buhlman – The Secret of the Soul
-H L Hartford Connecticut
I had a really strange thing happen when I was sitting in the steam room where I work out. There was no one else in there at that time.
After a particularly stressful day, I leaned back and focused on the steam rising from the rocks. Suddenly my body became numb and I heard a loud ringing in my ears. It was like a distant fire alarm.
I closed my eyes, thinking, "I really need to relax so the ringing will stop." But instead, I felt pulled through my own body and found myself in a corner of the ceiling. Even though I didn't see or feel my body up there, I could sense it. I was part of the steam, inside the warm droplets of moisture.
I was so shocked, I immediately snapped back into where I was sitting. I didn't know how to explain this to anyone until I heard about out-of-body experiences on a radio show. That's when I realized that it must have happened to me.