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Observations placeholder

Savage, Dr Minot Judson - Psychics : facts and theories – 24 Information they did not know is given by a spirit – ‘your aunt is dead’



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Psychics : facts and theories – M J Savage

This case did not happen to me; but it is so hedged about and checked off that its evidential value in a scientific way is absolutely perfect. The names of some of the parties concerned would be recognized in two hemispheres. A lady and gentleman visited a psychic. The gentleman was the lady's brother-in-law. The lady had an aunt who was ill in a city two or three hundred miles away. When the psychic had become entranced, the lady asked her if she had any impression as to the condition of her aunt.

The reply was, 'No.’

But, before the sitting was over, the psychic exclaimed: " Why, your aunt is here ! She has already passed away."

" This cannot be true," said the lady ; 'there must be a mistake. If she had died, they would have telegraphed us immediately."

" But," the psychic insisted, " she is here. And she explains that she died about two o'clock this morning. She also says a telegram has been sent, and you will find it at the house on your return."

Here seemed a clear case for a test. So, while the lady started for home, her brother-in-law called at the house of a friend and told the story. While there, the husband came in.

Having been away for some hours he had not heard of any telegram. But the friend seated himself at his desk and wrote out a careful account, which all three signed on the spot.

When they reached home — two or three miles away — there was the telegram confirming the fact and the time of the aunt's death, precisely as the psychic had told them.

The source of the experience

Savage, Dr Minot Judson

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


