Observations placeholder
Saltmarsh, H F - All that day I could not get rid of the unpleasant memory of the dream
Type of Spiritual Experience
We have our doubts about this observation. Dreams are often lessons or warnings and his seeing actual sheep could simply be coincidence, and he missed the vital lesson in the dream, much as Jung did with his vision......
"In October, while I was alone on a journey, I was suddenly seized by an overpowering vision. I saw a monstrous flood covering all the northern and low lying lands between the North sea and the Alps. When it came up to Switzerland, I saw that the mountains grew higher and higher to protect our country. I realised that a frightful catastrophe was in progress. I saw the mighty yellow waves, the floating rubble of civilisation and the drowned bodies of uncounted thousands. Then the whole sea turned to blood. An inner voice spoke ‘Look at it well, it is wholly real and it will be so. You cannot doubt it”".
At the time that Saltmarsh was writing, the lambs of spirituality and peace were being threatened and terrorised by a mixture of materialistic science , fascism and communism; and the slaughter was indeed to be terrible in the future.
In its own way it was a more terrifying prophecy.
A description of the experience
Future and Beyond – H F Saltmarsh
I have myself had one such experience; it is fully reported in the book by Mrs. Lyttelton (Some Cases of Prediction pp. 94 et seq.) ……., but I will summarize it here.
Some two or three years ago I dreamed that I was passing by a field in which were some ewes and lambs, also two dogs. There was a great noise going on and the dogs kept running up to the lambs, some of which were bleeding at the throat. In my dream I took it to be a case of sheep-worrying.
It was a very vivid dream and the shock of it woke me and prevented me from going to sleep for some time. In the morning I told my wife what I had dreamed, and all that day I could not get rid of the unpleasant memory of the scene.
Some ten days later I was driving in my car along a country road some few miles from my home, when my wife called my attention to two dogs in a field alongside the road in which were a lot of ewes and lambs.
As in my dream, there was a great deal of noise and the dogs kept running up to the lambs; it looked as though they were biting them. Many of the lambs were bleeding, but, unlike the scene in my dream, it was their tails and not their throats which were bloody, though I did not recognize the difference at once.
I immediately remembered my dream but, taking it to be a case of sheep-worrying, I thought of practical matters first. I could find no one about, so drove on to a village about a mile away and found a policeman, whom I brought back in the car. On returning to the spot, we found that the farmer had arrived.
He explained that the lambs had been having their tails docked in the field and that the dogs belonged to him. Now, although the fulfilling event contained one discrepancy from the dream.