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Saint Teresa of Avila - Sees herself in a large field alone



Type of Spiritual Experience


We need to remember here that she probably, as a result of her heart problems,  suffered very regular oxygen deprivation.  She may also have ended up suffering from a kind of paranoia brought on by the same problems, this is a vision................. almost a rebirth experience

So although her life gives us ample evidence of the effects untreated rheumatic fever can have on the mind and the body, it also shows us that even simple visions and hallucinations, in the hands of the simple and indoctrinated can be interpreted in ways well beyond their real meaning and affect the course of a person's life in the most extraordinary ways .

A description of the experience

The Life of Saint Teresa of Avila by Herself

whilst I was at prayer, I saw myself in a large field alone, and around me was a crowd of all sorts of people that hedged me in on every side.  They all seemed to be carrying weapons with which to attack me; some had lances, others swords, others daggers and yet others long rapiers.  In fact, I could not escape in any direction without running the risk of death and I was quite alone without anyone to take my part..........

The source of the experience

Saint Teresa of Avila

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

