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Observations placeholder

Rafferty, Gerry - Bring It All Home



Type of Spiritual Experience


The Independent - Obituary

As well as "Baker Street", the multi-million selling City to City also contained the gorgeous US hits "Home and Dry" and "Right Down the Line", which Rafferty dedicated to his wife. "She had stood by me through some really heavy times and it was just my way of saying thanks," he said.

But he only gave a few British concerts and refused to tour the US to promote City to City, Night Owl or 1980's Snakes and Ladders, recorded at George Martin's AIR Studio in Montserrat, which featured the McCartney-esque minor hit "Bring It All Home".

A description of the experience

Gerry Rafferty - Bring It All Home


I was lost on an endless sea
Going down, going down, going down on an endless sea
Sail with the wind, you weather the storm
You bring it all home, bring it all home, you bring it all home.

I was free in the dead of night
I want you, I want you, I want you in the dead of night
Give me your love, I'll sing you my blues
I bring it all home, bring it all home, I bring it all home.

I was blind in the light of day
I need you, I need you, I need you in the light of day
I still won't let go, hang on to this pride
I bring it all home, bring it all home, I bring it all home.

I was lost on an endless sea
Going down, going down, going down on an endless sea
Think to yourself as you're laughing it off
Bring it all home, bring it all home, bring it all home.

Yeah you think to yourself as you're laughing it off
Bring it all home, bring it all home, bring it all home.

The source of the experience

Rafferty, Gerry

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps




