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Observations placeholder

Rafferty, Gerry - Another World – 03 Sweet Surrender



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Sweet Surrender

Got to leave, got to go downtown
Got to see the man who won't beat around
He understands what we've got to do
And everything he says rings true.

Walking in this wilderness, wearing out my shoes
Staring at the living dead, peddling my blues
I might be in heaven or I might be in hell
I don't know which is which, sometimes you just can't tell.

Sweet surrender
Sweet surrender

I wake up every morning, I lie down every night
As long as I believe in love, I know it's gonna be alright.
I try to keep it simple, take it one day at a time
When I'm losing my direction, well that ain't no crime

Sweet surrender
Sweet surrender

But everytime we drift away into the magic of the night
You hold me close and I hear you say
Sweet surrender (surrender)

Living in the electronic world
Living in the molecular world
Living in the electronic world
Living in the molecular world

Check into hotels, checking out the street
Air-conditioned Cadillacs when I can't stand the heat
I just hit another road-block and I'm runnin' out of gas
I've got this white line fever, but I know that it won't last.

Sweet surrender
Sweet surrender

But everytime we drift away into the magic of the night
You hold me close and I hear you say
Sweet surrender (surrender)

Got to leave, got to go downtown
Got to see the man who won't beat around
He understands what we've got to do
And everything he says rings true.

Sweet sweet, sweet surrender
Sweet sweet, sweet surrender
Sweet sweet, sweet surrender
Sweet sweet, sweet surrender

(sweet sweet)
Living in the electronic world
Living in the molecular world


The source of the experience

Rafferty, Gerry

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Squash the big I am

