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Observations placeholder

Professor Alexander Erskine - A Hypnotist’s Case Book – Curing a stammer



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

A Hypnotist’s Case Book – Professor Alexander Erskine

This boy, who lived in Bristol, was about 15, and he had  never been known to speak without stammering. He had tried all sorts of treatments, and had been given up as hopeless.

One day he read in a paper of one of my spectacular cures of a shell-shocked soldier, and begged his mother to bring him to London to see me. At last she did.  They arrived without appointment, and no sooner had they come into my consulting-room (and before a word had been said) than the boy gripped my arm and stared hard up into my face.

So he held me for a full minute, then turned away.

"Now I am cured," he said.

"What do you mean? " I asked.

He replied : "I knew in myself that the moment I looked into your eyes I should never stammer again."

And he never has.

Isn't it all so simple?

The boy knew nothing of the subconscious mind beyond what little explanation the newspaper had given in its report of the shell-shocked soldier. - But it appealed to him.  He did not doubt. He believed in his heart, and, as the case of the leper of old, his faith had made him whole.

Physiologically, he had spoken to his subconscious mind, and his subconscious mind had done the rest. Here there was no sleep state : there was no conscious control by me at all. It only goes to show the supreme power we have in us if we will only use it aright.

The source of the experience

Erskine, Professor Alexander

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Psychosomatic medicine

Activities and commonsteps


