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Observations placeholder

Prince Alexander of Hohenlohe - Cures Louis, Prince Royal the ex-King of Bavaria



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

from Illustrations Of The Influence Of The Mind Upon The Body In Health And Disease, Designed To Elucidate The Action Of The Imagination - Daniel Hack Tuke, M.D., M.R.C.P.

The letter written by a Prince of the Blood — the ex-King of Bavaria — to the Count von Sinsheim, describing his own case, :

My dear Count:

There are still miracles. The ten last days of the last month, the people of Wurzburg might believe themselves in the times of 'the Apostles. The deaf heard, the blind saw, the lame freely walked, not by the aid of art, but by a few short prayers, and by the invocation of the name of Jesus.

On the evening of the 28th, the number of persons cured, of both sexes, and of every age, amounted to more than twenty. These were of all classes of the people, from the humblest to a prince of the blood, who, without any exterior means, recovered, on the 27th at noon, the hearing which he had lost from his infancy. This cure was effected by a prayer made for him during some minutes, by a priest who is scarcely more than twenty-seven years of age — the Prince Hohenlohe.

Although I do not hear so well as the majority of the persons who are about me, there is no comparison between my actual state and that which it was before. Besides, I perceive daily that I hear more clearly. My hearing, at present, is very sensitive. Last Friday, the music of the troop which defiled in the square in front of the palace, struck my tympanum so strongly, that for the first time, I was obliged to close the window of my cabinet. The inhabitants of Wurzburg have testified, by the most lively and sincere acclamations, the pleasure which my cure has given them. You are at liberty to communicate my letter, and to allow anyone who wishes, to take a copy of it.

Louis, Prince Royal.

Bruckenau, July 3d, 1822.

Concepts, symbols and science items




Activities and commonsteps



Deafness and tinnitus

