Observations placeholder
Mrs. C has a prophetic dream that she will be followed by a monkey
Type of Spiritual Experience
No details were given in Saltmarsh’s book as to why the monkey was in London. One is a little suspicious of Mr C - did he like his wife? was he a practical joker?
A description of the experience
The Future and Beyond – H F Saltmarsh
This case is taken from page 488, Proc., XI,
there is reported another case of a very unusual, though trivial, incident having been foreseen in a dream. It is shortly as follows:
Mrs. C dreamed that she was being persistently followed by a monkey, which terrified her extremely as she had an intense horror of monkeys. She mentioned the dream to her husband and family at breakfast, and Mr. C suggested that she should go for a short walk to throw off the unpleasant impression caused by the dream.
Quite contrary to her custom, she went out for a walk with her children. After a short while she saw, to her horror, 'the very monkey of her dream.' The monkey commenced to follow her, causing her great distress. Her account is confirmed by Mr. C and by Mrs. C's nurse.
This case is queer in that it was due to the dream that Mr. C suggested that Mrs. C should go for a walk, a thing which she would not otherwise have done. Thus the dream itself brought about circumstances which rendered the fulfilment possible. It need hardly be stated that it is a most unusual event to be followed by a monkey in the streets of London, where the incident happened.