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Mircea Eliade - Semang, Fuegians and Bushmen
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Mircea Eliade – Patterns in Comparative religion
Among the Semang pygmies, the Fuegians and the Bushmen, the sun is the 'eye' of the supreme God.... The Samoyeds see the sun and moon as the eyes of Num – that is the sky; the sun is the good eye, the moon the bad eye....
Sometimes, as with the Munsh, the sun is taken for the son of the Supreme Being Awondo, and the moon for his daughter. The Barotse, however, make the sun the 'dwelling' of the god of the sky, Niambe, and the moon his wife. .
The Kaffa still call their Supreme Being Abo which means both 'Father' and 'Sun' and see him embodied in the sun.