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Michelangelo - Sonnet LIV - From thy fair face I learn
Type of Spiritual Experience

A description of the experience
Michelangelo – Sonnets [translated by Addington Symonds]
Sonnet LIV
From thy fair face I learn, O my loved lord,
That which no mortal tongue can rightly say;
The soul, imprisoned in her house of clay,
Holpen by thee to God hath often soared;
And though the vulgar, vain, malignant horde
Attribute what their grosser wills obey,
Yet shall this fervent homage that I pay,
This love, this faith, pure joys for us afford.
Lo, all the lovely things we find on earth
Resemble for the soul that rightly sees
That source of bliss divine which gave us birth
Nor have we first fruits or remembrances
Of heaven elsewhere. Thus, loving loyally
I rise to God and make death sweet by thee.