Observations placeholder
Michelangelo - Sonnet L - Too late I realized that from your soul
Type of Spiritual Experience

A description of the experience
Michelangelo – Sonnets [translated by Elizabeth Jennings]
Sonnet L
Too late I realized that from your soul
I might, much like the phoenix in the sun,
Have warmed myself and been made strong and whole;
So often, in old age, this can be done.
What's swifter than the leopard, lynx or stag
After their prey or flying from a snare?
I could have run once, now I only lag
After the good things I've discovered here.
And yet there is no reason now to grieve
Since in this matchless angel I perceive
My health, my rest and true serenity.
When I was young I should less easily
Have found this joy. Now, when it flies away,
I follow after with much less delay.