Observations placeholder
Marathon volleyball
Type of Spiritual Experience
Described in the folloowng extract from Pubmed as 'psychological symptoms', the people suffered hallucinations and visions
A description of the experience
Marathon volleyball: changes after 61 hours play.
A description of symptoms after long-standing physical activity has been the purpose of this study. Twelve healthy, well trained young men who participated in a marathon volleyball game were interviewed and examined 1 day, 1 week and 5 weeks after the game, which lasted 61 hours, 23 mins. During the game, and on the day after, different psychological symptoms appeared. These had all disappeared by the second day. Somatic symptoms were dominated by over-strain injuries to the locomotor system. At the first, second and third examinations the total number of injuries were 29, 26 and 9 respectively. These symptoms were diminishing in spite of continued physical activity and it is suggested that over-strain injuries might be sufficiently treated by moderate activity instead of recommending a period of total cessation from sports activities.
- 4092146