Observations placeholder
MacLaine, Shirley - Sees a Bhutanese lama levitate
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Out on a Limb – Shirley MacLaine
"Okay," he said chuckling gently at my frustrated honesty. "Lets go at it another way. When you were in India and Bhutan, did you think much about the spiritual aspect of your-own life? I mean, did it occur to you that your body and your mind might not be the only dimensions there were in your life?"
I thought for a moment. Yes, of course I had.
I remembered how fascinated I had been when I saw a Bhutanese lama levitate in the lotus position (with his knees crossed under each other) three feet off the ground. Or to-be possibly more accurate, I thought I had seen him levitate. It was explained to me that he had accomplished such a feat by reversing his polarities (whatever that was) and thereby had defied gravity.
To me, it had made some kind of scientific sense, and also appealed to the metaphysical side of my nature. So I left it at that. For some reason, I had no trouble accepting that- it had happened, but I really couldn't honestly say that I understood why.
As another lama told me later, "You wouldn't have seen the levitation if you hadn't been prepared to see it."