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Observations placeholder

Lord Carberry of Freke Castle – and the mare called Kitty



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Reported in the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, Vol. XII, page 21.

Also described in Professor Ernesto Bozzano - The parapsychological manifestations of animals - 130 cases proving animal mediumistic abilities

On a hot Sunday afternoon, in summer 1900, after lunch, I went to the stables to give sugar and carrots to the horses, among which was a shady, nervous mare called Kitty, whom I loved very much. A great sympathy existed between her and me. I used to ride her every morning, before lunch, in all kinds of weather. They were quiet and solitary excursions along the hills overlooking the sea and it always seemed to me that Kitty also looked forward to these walks in the morning freshness.

On that afternoon, as I left the stables, I walked a quarter of a mile into the park alone and then sat in the shade of a tree with a very interesting book. My intention was to stay in this place for about two hours. After about twenty minutes, a sudden influx of painful sensations interfered between me and my reading. At the same time, I felt certain that something painful had happened to my mare Kitty. I tried to keep this impression away by continuing to read, but the impression increased and in such a way that I was forced to close my book and go to the stables, once there, I immediately went to Kitty's stable; I found her lying on the floor, suffering, and in need of immediate assistance.

I immediately went to look for the stablemen who were in another section, far away from the building. They ran to give the filly the necessary care. Their surprise was great when they saw me appear in the stable for the second time, an absolutely unusual circumstance.

The coachman who cared for the mare on this occasion confirms this story thus:

I was then a coachman at Frecke Castle, and His Lordship came in the afternoon to give sugar and carrots to the horses as he usually does. "Kitty" was free in her stall and in excellent health conditions. Immediately afterwards, I went back to my accommodation, above the stables, and the stablemen went back to their rooms. After half an hour or three quarters of an hour, I was surprised to see His Lordship come back, who came to call me and the boys, to tell us to help "Kitty" who was lying on the ground, struck by a sudden illness. In the meantime, none of us had entered the stables.

Edward Nobbs.


The source of the experience

Lord Carbery

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Being an animal

