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Khan, Hazrat Inayat – The Art of Being and Becoming - The dangers of hyper sensitivity
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Hazrat Inayat Khan – The Art of Being and Becoming
There is a tendency in man to think a great deal about what others think of him, and in some natures this tendency develops quickly. This develops in him self-consciousness, which is the root of several defects of man; it enfeebles man physically and mentally and makes him dependent upon the opinion of others. He lives, so to speak in the good opinion of others, and he is as dead when they have a bad opinion of him.
This tendency makes a person sensitive, often hyper sensitive. It often reaches such a point that at every word he speaks he looks around for approval, and in the same way every new movement he makes is calculated to produce an effect. This makes his body and his mind both heavy and burdensome to his soul.
It develops in nature that weakness which in ordinary words is called touchiness; taking offence at every little thing. And the nature of many people is such that they enjoy bringing out any weakness that may be in a person. It becomes a pastime or pleasure to such people, and the life of one who is sensitive is made so difficult that he has no rest at home or abroad. Everyone seems to him to be wicked, everyone’s presence seems to have a jarring effect upon him, and he seeks to be exclusive and to find a seclusion which life does not permit of his finding. If he happens to be in a position where he has to speak or sing or perform in any way, he fails to do his best, and when he meets people he cannot stand a criticism or reply to a jest.
The presence of others has the effect of a weight upon the soul. The desire of the sensitive person is always to be in hiding – keeping away from people, looking at others with nervousness, dislike or fear. Such a person, however great his virtues or merits, is always incapable of free expression of his gift.