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Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 015 Introduction [Extract]
Type of Spiritual Experience
Muhammed = The Son
Jili is using the same analogy/symbolism as Meister Eckhart
A description of the experience
ABD AL-KARIM AL-JILI: Tawid, Transcendence and Immanence – Dr Nicholas Lo Polito [University of Birmingham] - The Cave and the Inscription
(5) As I am unable to praise Him I lean onto the honourable and the greatest; secret of the divine secret, the one who joins together, the most obscure; dot that is the eye of the dotted letters: Muhammad, lord of the Arabs and of the non-Arabs. Repository of the sanctuary of [all] truths and of [divine] oneness. Meeting place of the minutiae of transcendence and finitude. Revealer of the causal determinant (Ma‘na) of beauty old and new. Form of the perfect essence. The eternal and the everlasting in the gardens of the [divine] attributes, eternally manifesting Himself in the sphere of divine affairs. May God …. those who adorn themselves with the pearls of those who [in their turn] annihilate themselves for his sake.