Observations placeholder
Jean Noblet - 16 [and Payen] The Tower
Type of Spiritual Experience
In some of theTarot cards, the name used is not The Tower but the House of God - la Maison Dieu.
The meaning here is then slightly different from that of the Tower in other cards [although consistent] and represents 'the Fall' from grace, denial or loss of spiritual input. It still refers to the spiritual path, but instead of showing the destruction of Towers of Knowledge - pride coming before a fall - it shows simply a descent as opposed to ascent on the path without there being any particular attribution of the cause other than the generic 'pride comes before a fall'.
In some ways the symbolism isn't quite right, as descent on the spiritual path is better shown using the cone, or hill, not a tower.
The symbolism used in snakes and ladders is more helpful in this respect.